...A community of joyful disciples knowing, loving, and serving God and each other.

Ministries - Respect Life

Respect Life Ministry at OLV-OLS

The Respect Life Ministry promotes the sanctity of human life and the dignity of a person from conception to death.   This is done through informing, through retreats, taking action against laws that do not promote life, and through prayer.   The Albany Diocese and the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and the broader worldwide Catholic Church there are resources and events that you can participate in to promote the sanctity of every life.


At Our Lady of Victory our Respect Life representative is Ed Golden.  On Saturday October 22, 2022, Ed Golden was  commissioned as a new Respect Life Representative at the Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany Annual Respect Life Month Mass with the Bishop.  Ed and his wife Paula have also volunteered to head the OLV/OLS Respect Life Ministry.   


The resources, links and events listed below are available throughout the Diocese of Albany and sometimes farther like with the Annual March for Life in Washington, DC.  Any events directly related to our parish will be posted on our social media accounts like Facebook and Instagram.  For any questions regarding Respect Life in our parish please use the Contact Form below.



Respect Life Prayer & Action



JULY 2024                                                                                                         


Our Father, 3 Hail Marys, Glory Be


This summer we enter our third year of the National Eucharistic Revival and joyfully anticipate the profound celebration of Christ’s presence among us at the National Eucharistic Congress in Indianapolis. Part of the impetus for the revival was a recent study that revealed many Catholics do not believe, or at least do not understand, that Jesus is truly present in the Eucharist, though in a hidden way.

Similarly, many in our culture do not acknowledge the dignity of human life when it is hidden in the womb. Both of these instances call for us to help others recognize these sacred gifts that are hidden. We need to help them to understand that just because something may not be apparent to our eyes does not mean that it is not there or that it is not important.

The Eucharist and the Gospel of life go hand in hand because they have the same source—Jesus himself, who is the Bread of Life. Christ gave his very flesh to give us the gift of eternal life and invites us to the most profound experience of this gift in our celebration of the Eucharist. The Eucharist has the 

power to transform the depths of our hearts and the heart of our culture.

Lord Jesus, by the power of your Eucharistic Presence, help us to defend the life of every human person at every stage. Transform our hearts to protect and cherish all whose lives are most vulnerable. For you are God, with the Father and the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Amen


(Choose one.)

One Step Further

Learn more about the National Eucharistic Revival by visiting www.eucharisticrevival.org. Explore the wide range of resources available. Choose one prayer, blog post, video, or podcast to help you grow closer to Jesus in the Eucharist.



            Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany - Respect Life Resources

            Respect Life :: Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany (rcda.org)

            Walking with Moms in Need :: Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany (rcda.org)

            Adoption / Pregnancy / Women's Health Resources :: Roman Catholic Diocese of Albany (rcda.org)

                      rlpa-24-06-prayer-guide.pdf (usccb.org)






Father of all Life, we thank you that you have called us into being and made us the people of life.

Bless our brothers and sisters who dedicate themselves to be a voice for the voiceless,

a defense for the defenseless and a welcoming person for all who live in faith.

By their example, enable all of us to proclaim, celebrate and serve the gospel of life.

We ask this through Christ Our Lord. Amen.


Click Here to connect to USCCB Respect Life Link.