2024-2025 USCCB Catechetical Theme:
"Lord, when did we see you hungry" -Matthew 25:37
Faith Formation for Grades 1, 3 – 8:
The faith formation program we are using is called "Gospel Weeklies." Pflaum’s Gospel Weeklies is a dynamic method of instruction that integrates faith formation lessons with the life of the parish community experienced in the Sunday Eucharist (Liturgical Catechesis). The content of the program flows from the Sunday Gospel. Our children learn, live and share their faith within the rhythms of the liturgical year: Advent, Christmas, Lent, Easter, and Ordinary Time.
The whole family can easily share in the learning because all children are studying lessons based on the same Gospel proclaimed in church on Sunday. You can gather all of your children at one time to share what they have learned and to talk about it as a family.
The Gospel Weeklies do not use a textbook, they use colorful and engaging booklets that are easy to use in class and at home. In addition to the booklets there is also a “catechism handbook" called "What the Church Believes and Teaches" for each child.
The Weeklies follow the three cycles of the Gospel reading, (Year A,B,C) at each grade level.
- Promise (Gr. 1 - Pre-Sacramental Prep)
- See First Reconciliation and First Eucharist tab for Grade 2 curriculum
- Good News for Children (Gr. 3)
- Venture (Gr. 4, 5 & 6)
- Visions (Gr. 7 & 8)
There are many free resources designed for catechists and families including Parent Teaching Pages, weekly videos, and other additional seasonal resources as well. All of these can be found at https://www.gospelweeklies.com.
- Children under the age of 7 and registered in in Grades 1 & 2 Faith Formation sessions will be preparing for the Sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist in Grade 2.
- Youth in Grades 9 &10 will be preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation and receive the Sacrament in Grade 10.
- Order of Christian Initiation for Children (OCIC): For Children/Youth that are baptized Catholic, over 7 years old in grades 3-8 and have not participated in any formal faith formation/religious education program and need to be prepared for and receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Eucharist please contact Caitlin Levine, Coordinator of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry at faithformation@olvols.org| (518) 273-7602 ext. 102
Faith Formation Registration Info.:
You may also download the 2024-2025 Registration Form and mail it or drop off to:
Our Lady of Victory
55 North Lake Avenue
Troy, NY, 12180
If registering by mail, remember to include the registration fee ($65 for 1 child | $120 for 2 children | $165 for 3 children | $170 for 4 or more children). If you have a child making a sacrament (First Reconciliation/First Eucharist or Confirmation) there will be an additional $25 fee.
Social Media
Faith Formation & Youth Ministry Office
Caitlin Levine | Coordinator of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry
(518) 273-7602 ext. 102 | faithformation@olvols.org
Matt Levine | Youth Minister
(518) 273-7602 ext. 102 | youthministry@olvols.org
Parish Office
OLV-OLS Parish Office
(518) 273-7602 | parishoffice@olvols.org
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