...A community of joyful disciples knowing, loving, and serving God and each other.

Faith Formation - RCIA

The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is designed for adults and children, over the age of 7, who consciously and freely seek to be baptized and be received fully into the faith.  RCIA is also for people who have already received the Sacrament of Baptism, be it Catholic or in any other faith tradition, but now seek full communion into the Catholic church. 

 person is unique and comes to God in different ways, at different times and with different questions or concerns and for this reason we will work closely with each Catechumen or Candidate (already Baptized) to ensure that they are prepared for each step of their journey.


This journey is on-going which means you do not have to wait to start the RCIA process.  Each person or family can begin the process at any point during the Liturgical Year.  We respect that each

This journey of faith is NOT A PROGRAM ABOUT LEARNING DOCTRINE OR CATCHING UP ON ALL YOU DON'T KNOW!  This journey is a journey of LOVE - a conversion of heart, a falling in deeper love with Jesus! 

If you are curious about what it means to be Catholic and would like to learn more or if you are ready to start the journey now, contact/email Fr. Tom Morrette , Pastor at Our Lady of Victory Church, Our Lady of the Snow Mission and Christ Sun of Justice, RPI University Parish or call (518) 273-7602



The Evangelist Featured some our RCIA stories in 2021 at the links below:

Article: “One Busy Night” with Zack and Erin getting married https://evangelist.org/Content/Features/Parish-life/Article/ONE-BUSY-NIGHT-/16/68/29074?s=1


Article: Sister Act about the Niangoran girls  https://evangelist.org/Content/Default/Homepage-Rotator/Article/-AN-AMAZING-FAITH-/-3/141/29062?s=1