...A community of joyful disciples knowing, loving, and serving God and each other.

Councils - Pastoral Council


The mission of OLV-OLS Pastoral Council is planning.  To fulfill this mission, it strives to envision, to address, and to evaluate the needs and goals of the parish community in light of church teachings and the mission of the diocesan and universal Church.  Pastoral Planning challenges the membership to bring forth their gifts of planning, visioning, empowering, and evaluating within the framework of shared leadership among clergy and laity. 


Ex Officio Members

Rev. Tom MorrettePastor

Deacon Brian Lewis

Deacon Willis Wolfe 

Chuck CiacciaTrustee

Connie SteinbachTrustee  (Finance Council & Fellowship and Social Committee)

Julie Darling (Christian Outreach and Social Justice)

Caitlin Levine (Faith Formation & Youth Ministry)

Elected/Selected Members

Cathie Allain, President

Peg Cullen (Liturgy)

Patti DeVito (Ecumenical)

Ray Dozois (Knights of Columbus)

Jonathan Fanning (Parish Spiritual Life/Evangelization Committee)

Ed Golden (Respect Life)

Paula Golden (Respect Life)

Louise Hardy (Columbiettes)

Tom Hardy (Buildings and Grounds)

Anne Marie James (Pastoral Care)

Matthew Levine (Vocations)

Julianne Messia (Fellowship and Social Committee)

Joe Thouin (Parish Spiritual Life/Evangelization Committee)

Pam Wobrock (Bereavement)

At-Large Members

Jim Carras

Fred Hemeon (Knights of Columbus)

David Molloy