...A community of joyful disciples knowing, loving, and serving God and each other.

Faith Formation - Main Page

OLV/OLS Faith Formation

Our Faith Formation Program includes religious education sessions, prayer, service and social opportunities for our children and families to nurture their growth as Catholic Christians. We work in partnership with you (the parents/guardians) as you are the first teachers of your family.  This year our program will include:

  • Youth Masses – Held the first Sunday of each month from October to June at the 9am OLV Mass where youth and families will serve in liturgical roles and attend Mass
  • Family Workshops – Two held during catechetical year, once in November and once in March. These will take place during the traditional Faith Formation Session time for the whole family to attend with hands-on activities and seasonal catechesis.
  • Cookies and CarolsSunday, December 8, 2024 at 2pm in the OLV Church – The Fellowship and Social Committee is hosting this Advent prayer service which will feature our Faith Formation Children as they participate by singing carols

Worshiping together at our weekly Sunday Mass and participating in the Sacraments are central to our formation. It expresses and forms our Catholic identity through Word, Sacrament, and Community. We believe the Eucharist brings us into relationship with Jesus Christ and that Christ is truly present to us in the Eucharist.

Please see our faith education program opportunities for children, young people and adults below:

Faith Formation Registration Information: 

You may also download the 2024-25 Registration Form and mail it to or drop it off at:

Our Lady of Victory

55 North Lake Avenue

Troy, NY 12180

If registering by mail, remember to include the registration fee with checks made out to Our Lady of Victory ($65 for 1 child | $120 for 2 children | $165 for 3 children | $170 for 4 or more children).  If you have a child making a sacrament (First Reconciliation/First Eucharist or Confirmation) there will be an additional $25 fee to cover additional sacramental costs.



Caitlin Levine | Coordinator of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry

faithformation@olvols.org | (518) 273-7602 ext. 102

Matt Levine | Youth Minister

youthministry@olvols.org | (518) 273-7602 ext. 102




Our Christian life is a lifelong and continuous transformation in Christ in which we trust in the Father's love, accept the Holy Spirit's guidance and seek holiness of life within the Church.  Our Adult Faith Formation Program at OLV-OLS is a ministry that helps the Catholic Christian to foster that journey. 

If you are interested in our program or you are curious about what is up ahead please let us know! 

OLV-OLS is committed to providing continued education and enrichment opportunities for all adults within the Parish Community.  We believe one's journey of faith is a continual conversion of heart growing in discipleship and service to the community at large.  Please join us!

RCIA - Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults


The Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) is designed for adults and children, over the age of 7, who consciously and freely seek to be baptized and be received fully into the faith.  RCIA is also for people who have already received the Sacrament of Baptism, be it Catholic or in any other faith tradition, but now seek full communion into the Catholic Church.

If you are interested in our program or you are curious about what is up ahead please let us know! 


Fr. Tom Morrette | Pastor
