...A community of joyful disciples knowing, loving, and serving God and each other.

Faith Formation - Children's Liturgy of the Word(CLOW)

Children's Liturgy of the Word (CLOW)

Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW), is an age-appropriate learning experience of the weekly gospel reading for our young children ages 3 - 7 (Pre-K – Gr. 2) during our Sunday Masses.

CLOW is offered during the Sunday 9 am Mass on most weekends from September through May. CLOW will start back up on Sunday, September 22nd, we look forward to seeing you!

After the Opening Prayer, Father will call the children to come up and gather at the Altar for a blessing. They are then dismissed with their Catechist to proceed to the Church Library (OLV) or Ave Maria Room (OLS) to hear the readings and a reflection on the Gospel. After the Profession of Faith and Intercessions, children will return to Mass during the Offering.

At the end of each session, the children will each receive a worship bulletin with activities based on the Gospel reading that reinforce the lesson for the day. Each Bulletin also provides a code to use to access online games and activities for the children to do at home.


Parents/Grandparents of children ages 3-7, please encourage your child(ren) to join in on Sundays when Father calls the children up to the Altar for Children’s Liturgy of the Word!

This ministry exists because of the willing hearts of volunteers.

We have two specific needs:

  1. Catechists to lead the worship time. An outline of the worship time is provided to the catechists.
  2. Catechist Assistants to provide supervision and extra helping hands.


Please join us!  This is a volunteer experience that is minimal in commitment but high in reward. For more information about Children’s Liturgy of the Word or to volunteer, please contact Caitlin Levine at 518-273-7602 ext. 102 or email Faithformation@olvols.org.

CLOW Games at Home