...A community of joyful disciples knowing, loving, and serving God and each other.

Faith Formation - Adult Faith Formation

The Ministry of Adult Faith Formation invites and enables adults "to acquire an attitude of conversion to the Lord" (Adult Catechesis in the Christian Community , no. 36).  This view of the Catholic Christian life is therefore a lifelong and continuous transformation in Christ in which we trust in the Father's love, accept the Holy Spirit's guidance and seek holiness of life within the Church.  Our Adult Faith Formation Program at OLV-OLS is a ministry that helps the Catholic Christian to foster a journey that restores their Baptismal vows  in which the faith is deepened through participation in the Sacraments, works of charity and mercy, and the prayer life of the Church.  Young adults and young at hearts are welcome to join us for any of our programs throughout the year!

If you are interested in our program or you are curious about what is up ahead please let us know! 

Contact Father Tom Morrette at 518-273-7602 or email tmorrette1950@gmail.com




"A Biblical Walk Thorugh the Mass" - Wednesday, February 21 through Thursday, March 21:
Join us in exploring the extraordinary biblical roots of the Liturgy and reveal what it all means and why it all matters.
Sign up sheets in the Welcome Area. 
Contact: Joe, thouin.ja@gmail.com or Chuck, chuck.ciaccia@outlook.com



OLV-OLS is committed to providing continued education and enrichment opportunities for all adults within the Parish Community.  We believe ones journey of faith is a continual conversion of heart growing in discipleship and service to the community at large. Please join us!