...A community of joyful disciples knowing, loving, and serving God and each other.

Browsing Parent Updates FF/YM

Youth Ministry Reminders


Hello Grade 7/8 and Grade 9 Families,

 Please note: There are no evening sessions on Sunday, Feb. 13.

 Please consider the Circle of Grace Home Lesson  (below) or volunteering to collect for the Souper Bowl Fundraiser (below) as your Feb. 13 session!

Grade K-10 Circle of Grace Home Lesson has been emailed - Please sign and return the Parent Authorization Form by March 15. Please let me know if you need me to resend you that Information.

 Upcoming Service Opportunity February 12 & 13 at all masses:

Youth Ministry’s SOUPER BOWL OF CARING Collection for OLS Food Pantry

Please email to sign up to collect donations before and after one of the Masses.

4:00 pm, Saturday, February 12 at OLV

8:15 am, Sunday, February 13 at OLV We are still in need of Volunteers!!

9:45 am, Sunday, February 13 at OLS

11:15 am Sunday, February 13 at OLV

Please arrive to the Church Gathering Area 20 minutes before the mass and stay for 10 -15 minutes after the mass. Please bring a Soup Pot to use to collect  donations!

Thank you,



Mary Eaton

Director of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry

Our Lady of Victory

Mission Our Lady of the Snow




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