...A community of joyful disciples knowing, loving, and serving God and each other.

Browsing Parent Updates FF/YM

Sat. March 18 Child/Youth Reconciliation Service

Hello Grade 3-9 Faith Formation Families,


Happy St. Valentine’s Day!                                             


Lent begins next week on Ash Wednesday, February 22! Ashes will be distributed at 12:15 pm and 7:00 pm in the OLV Church.

Each year during Advent or Lent, our Faith Formation program offers the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession), for all children and youth in Grades 3 – 9. The Sacrament of Reconciliation renews our grace, strengthening us to live by the commandments as disciples of Jesus and prepares us to more fully receive the great graces bestowed on us at Christmas and Easter!


This year, the Sacrament of Reconciliation Prayer Service for all children and youth in grades 3-9 will be held on Saturday, March 18 at 1 pm in the OLV Church. Please mark your Calendars!


Please bring your Gr. 3-9 child/youth to the OLV Church at 1 pm.  Remain until they are done and have reflected on their penance. You are then free to leave with your child/youth. One parent or guardian must attend.


Resources for the children and youth to prepare for their Confession will be sent home at the March 5 sessions and emailed to the families.


Please email me to confirm your child’s /youth’s attendance by Wed. March 8.  We need to make sure that there are enough priests available!


Thank you for your support. If you have any questions, please contact me. 




Mary Eaton

Interim Coordinator of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry

Our Lady of Victory

Mission Our Lady of the Snow





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