...A community of joyful disciples knowing, loving, and serving God and each other.

Browsing Parent Updates FF/YM

Oct. 23 First Reconciliation Home Assignment Reminder

Reminder: There is no in class session on Sunday, Oct. 23


Oct. 23 Home Lesson:

God’s Gift of Forgiveness Sticker Book (located in your child’s purple folder).

Please complete pages 2-5: Love in Our Families and God’s Family


This will be reviewed in our next class session on October 30. 

Additional reminders:

  • Please practice the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Act of Contrition daily/nightly (all three are on the inside of their purple folders).
  • Please have your children listen to the song we are practicing in class that we will be singing at the First Reconciliation: We Come to ask Your Forgiveness at https://youtu.be/91jiAbPB1f0


If you have any questions, please contact me. Thank you for your time and support! Have a great weekend!





Mary Eaton

Interim Coordinator of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry

Our Lady of Victory

Mission Our Lady of the Snow




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