...A community of joyful disciples knowing, loving, and serving God and each other.

Browsing Parent Updates FF/YM

K-6 Sunday Resources for June 26

Hello Grade K-6 Families,

Happy Summer!

Sunday Mass Resources for June 26: June 26, 2022: 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Children’s Worship Bulletins:

Ages 3+

Ages 7+


Gatekeepers needed!

I realize it’s a few months away but If any parent would like to sign up to be a gatekeeper for 2 – 3 of the Sunday morning sessions this coming Faith Formation year, please let me know.  My hope is to have two gatekeepers per session. Their main duty is to help the children enter and exit the building safely and call-in absences after attendance is taken. Parents will be allowed back into the building this year so drop off and pick up will be much safer!

The more volunteers we have, the fewer the sessions assigned to each. Your help is greatly appreciated. If you need more information, please contact me.

Have a great weekend!

Thank you!



Mary Eaton

Director of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry

Our Lady of Victory

Mission Our Lady of the Snow





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