...A community of joyful disciples knowing, loving, and serving God and each other.

Browsing Parent Updates FF/YM

Grade 9 & Youth Ministry Updates


  This is a reminder that we have class this Sunday at 10:15am in the Parish Office building. We will be covering Lesson #3. Please be sure to have your book. Mass is at 9am and there is no better way to start the morning!

On Sunday November 12th I am looking for volunteers to help collect Thanksgiving Hospitality Boxes about 30 minutes before the 9am Mass at OLV and about 30 minutes after Mass. We will be helping to load the vehicle that comes to pick up the boxes. No need to RSVP, if you’d like to help, just get to OLV at 8:30am on Sunday, November 12th and be prepared to spend at least 30 minutes after Mass to collect additional boxes and help load. Feel free to email me if you have any questions.

**Wednesday November 1st is the deadline to RSVP for Movie Night on Saturday, November 4th** If you didn’t receive the invite email or missed the FB post and are interested please let me know.


Have a wonderful day,

Peter Ogno Jr.


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