Dear Gr. K – 6 Families,
Hello! I hope you enjoyed the Winter Break!
-Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, March 2. The Masses for that day will be at 12:15 pm and 7:00 pm at OLV and 5:00 pm at OLS. Ashes will be distributed at all masses. Our Pastor, Father Morrette has asked us all, on the behalf of the Church, to please pray the Our Father throughout the week for peace, for leaders and for all people involved in the Ukraine. Also, this Ash Wednesday, Pope Francis has declared that all our prayers and sacrifices be made for the intention of Peace in Ukraine.
- Ash Wednesday Lenten Video Resources for families
What Is Lent? (for younger children)
What is Lent? (for older children)
Also! -The OLV Columbiettes will once again be hosting their Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper on Tuesday March 1, 2022, 4:30 - 6:30 pm. $7 Adults/$4 Children 5-12 — Children under 5 free. Pancakes--Sausage--Juice—Coffee. Please join us!
-Our next Grade K - 6 sessions are Sunday, March 5 @ 9:45 – 10:45 am in the Education Center. Grade 4 is Virtual @ 9:45 – 10:30 am: Zoom link forthcoming!
- Gr. K/1, 3-6 Gospel Weeklies: March 6 - 1st Sunday of Lent
- Grade 2 - First Eucharist Prep: Blessed First Communion
Please note:
Gr. K/1,3,5,6: On Feb. 13, the remaining Gospel weeklies student lessons for the weeks that we do not meet (March 13 – May 9), were sent home with your child. If your child was absent on Feb. 13, they will be sent home this weekend.
Grade 4: Your Gospels weeklies for March 6 – through the remainder of sessions are ready for pick -up! They are in the Drop Box outside of the Parish Office Door (to the left when facing the door) labeled by name. Please pick them up at your convenience before the March 6, Grade 4 virtual session. Thank you!
All: On the weekends that we do not meet, I will email the Parent Teaching Guides for you to use if you wish to review the week’s lesson with your child/children.
Additional Reminders:
-The Parent Authorization Form for the Circle of Grace Safe Environment Home Lesson is due by March 15.
-OLV Mass times: Saturday 4 pm, Sunday 8:15 am 11:15 am (Family Mass).
Please contact me if you have any questions. Have a good week!
Thank you, Mary
Mary Eaton
Director of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry
Our Lady of Victory
Mission Our Lady of the Snow
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