Hello Gr. K/1, 3-6 Families,
Reminder: There is no session this Sunday, March 27 . Our final session is on Sunday, April 3.
OLV Mass times: Saturday 4 pm, Sunday 8:15 am 11:15 am (Family Mass).
If possible, please review the March 27 Gospel weeklies with your child/children. You should have copies of the student lesson guides at home (or digital access to the guide) for the weeks we do not meet. If you have neither, please contact me.
Below, I have provided links to the Parent Guides for your convenience. These Parent Guides as well as other resources and weekly videos are available at gospelweeklies.com.
Promise Grade K/1
Weekly Video: The Prodigal Son
Good News Grade 3
Venture Grades 4-6
Video - The “Our Father” Explained
Gr. 3 -6 Use these videos as you discuss today’s Gospel Story
The Prodigal Son A Lego Version
All of this information and more is available at www.olvols.org under the Faith Formation Tab > Family Life Page. All emails are also archived on the website under the Faith Formation Tab > Parent’s Updates blog.
Please consider this Lenten Family Service Activity:
CRS Rice Bowl
The traditional Rice Bowl program thru Catholic Relief Services is now digital! It can be done at home by printing out the logo and placing it on a container you already have. https://www.crsricebowl.org/families.
Have a good week and weekend.
Thank you!
Mary Eaton
Director of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry
Our Lady of Victory
Mission Our Lady of the Snow
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