...A community of joyful disciples knowing, loving, and serving God and each other.

Browsing Parent Updates FF/YM

Gr. 9 Jan. 29 Home Session and Service Reminder

Hello Grade 9 Parents and Youth!


This Sunday, Jan. 29 will be a Home Lesson to review Lesson 8 Lesson 9 and any in class assignments from Jan. 8 and Jan. 22 sessions. There is no in person session!


Please use this time to go on your Thinktific account to review the workbook and videos from Lessons 8 and 9 , especially if you have been absent!


CHOSEN Lesson 8- How Do I Get There?”   (The Power and Purpose of the Sacraments)

CHOSEN Lesson 9- “When did my journey begin? (Baptism, Your Initiation into God’s Family)


PLEASE NOTE: There will be no Gr. 9 sessions on Sunday Feb 12. due to the Annual Souper Bowl of Caring Fundraiser taking place before all OLV and OLS weekend masses. This fundraiser is your Feb. 12 Gr. 9 session assignment so please sign up to help!


Upcoming Grade 9 and Grade 10 Service February 11/12 at all masses:

Youth Ministry’s SOUPER BOWL OF CARING Collection for OLS Food Pantry 

***Please email me to sign up to collect donations before and after one of the Masses. (I will send an email reminder the week of the event.)

Volunteers will need to arrive to the Church Gathering Area 20 minutes before the mass and stay for 10 -15 minutes after the mass. They will also need to bring a Soup Pot to use to collect their donations! If your child is unable to attend, please just let me know with an email or phone call.


4:00 pm, Saturday, February 11 at OLV

8:15 am, Sunday, February 12 at OLV

9:45 am, Sunday, February 12 at OLS

11:15 am Sunday, February 12 at OLV


Parish Invitation to all Families this Saturday! Please join us!

Knights Of Columbus Spaghetti Dinner

January 28- OLV Parish Center

Mass at 4:00 PM

Dinner Eat-in or Take-out 5:00-7:00 PM in the Parish Center!

Adults $12 / Children under 12 - $5

Hosted by our KofC and Columbiette Council 14164Sent via http://myparishapp.com

Have a good week and weekend!

Thank you,



Mary Eaton

Interim Coordinator of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry

Our Lady of Victory

Mission Our Lady of the Snow





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