Hello Grade 10 Confirmation Families,
Just a reminder: There are no Sunday night sessions for Gr. 10 Confirmation. Confirmation Preparation begins on Wed. Jan 26:
Wednesday, January 26
Confirmation Parent & Candidate Meeting 7:00 – 8:15 pm
Parish Office Building
Sunday, January 30
Gr.10 Rite of Blessing @11:15 am Mass
Candidates and Families OLV Church
Wednesday, February 2
Confirmation Immediate Prep Session 6:00 – 7:30 pm
Parish Office Building
ALSO: Grade K-10 Circle of Grace Home Lesson - Please sign and return the Parent Authorization Form by March 15.
Upcoming Service Opportunity February 12 & 13 at all masses:
Youth Ministry’s SOUPER BOWL OF CARING Collection for OLS Food Pantry
Please email or call me to sign up to collect donations before and after one of the Masses. (I will send an email reminder the week of the event.)
4:00 pm, Saturday, February 12 at OLV
8:15 am, Sunday, February 13 at OLV
9:45 am, Sunday, February 13 at OLS
11:15 am Sunday, February 13 at OLV
Please arrive to the Church Gathering Area 20 minutes before the mass and stay for 10 -15 minutes after the mass. They will also need to bring a Soup Pot to use to collect their donations! If your child is unable to attend, please just let me know with an email or phone call.
Please contact me if you have any questions. We look forward to seeing you all soon!
Have a good weekend!
Thank you,
Mary Eaton
Director of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry
Our Lady of Victory
Mission Our Lady of the Snow
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