Hello First Reconciliation Families,
A few reminders for Saturday:
- Please review The Five Steps (attached and copy in Parent Information Packet)
- Please remind your child/children to take time to examine their conscience and think about the times they made unloving choices prior to Saturday. They can remember them or write them down.
- The Act of Contrition prayer which they will need to say after they have been absolved of their sins is also in the packet. They can take the sheet in with them to read off of or use the prayer card that I will have for each of them on Saturday. Also, please read over the prayer with them prior to the day so they understand this is their “I’m sorry to you Jesus prayer and are able to read the words.
- See your Parent Packets for more details regarding the day if needed (Also attached)
Please arrive to the OLV Church by 10:50 am on Saturday, Dec. 10. We will start at 11 AM.
Breakfast with Santa!
The Knights of Columbus will be serving breakfast on Sunday December 11th from 8:30 – 11:00 am In the OLV Parish Center. Santa will be visiting from 9:00 – 11:00 am. Cost: Adults $9 / Child $4 / Children under 5 eat free! /$25 cap per Family. Bring your cameras! The proceeds go the OLV Early Childhood Center.
If you have any questions, Please do not hesitate to contact me. I will be keeping all of the First Reconciliation children and their families in my prayers this week as they prepare to receive the Sacrament on Saturday, Dec. 10!
Thank you!
Mary Eaton
Interim Coordinator of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry
Our Lady of Victory
Mission Our Lady of the Snow
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