Hello First Reconciliation Families,
On Sunday Oct. 30 : First Reconciliation Prep: Lesson 3 We Can Act Like Jesus was completed in class..
This week, please review and talk about this lesson with your child.
See the Family Time Poster for you to post on your refrigerator with Lesson 3 Family Activities to follow up the lesson throughout your week.
Also as a resource, please visit First Reconciliation for a downloadable PDFs for each session so you can review lesson summaries and share lesson-related video links with your child.
If your child was absent please make up the lesson. There are Teaching Lessons videos for each lesson at https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLBQIZq8nlWqusxovcj8NyR_l5mmRDo6tN
Additional reminders:
- Please practice the Our Father, Hail Mary, and Act of Contrition daily/nightly (all three are on the inside of their purple folders).
- Please have your children listen to the song we are practicing in class that we will be singing at the First Reconciliation: We Come to ask Your Forgiveness at https://youtu.be/91jiAbPB1f0
A flyer for our November Family Service was also sent home today and is attached.
If you have any questions, please contact me. Your time and support is appreciated!.
Have a fun and safe Halloween!
Thank you,
Mary Eaton
Interim Coordinator of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry
Our Lady of Victory
Mission Our Lady of the Snow
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