Hello First Eucharist Parents,
Attached is a picture of a completed Last Supper Project that the children brought home on the last session to complete. We remember that this Last Supper with Jesus and his disciple friends was the First Communion! Thank you Rob and Julianne for doing this project with the children.
First Eucharist Information to review over the next weeks: (This is the same information as in the last email)
Review The Mass:
- Watch Video: So Many Wonders!
- Blessed Book: Session 2: The Greatest Event on Earth /Session 3: The Word of God / Session 4: The Eucharist
- Review Book: The Picture Missal (given out at the Retreat)
Practice reading responses (loud and clear!) and what happens at the different parts of the Mass- Jesus is with us in a special way in the Word (Readings form the Bible) and in the blessed Eucharist!
Watch and Practice: How to Practice Receiving https://youtu.be/1YvDGGySIoU. We will practice this at Rehearsal too.
Practice singing: We Come To Your Table Song https://youtu.be/UqH4hRNwnyw
April 29 (Fri.) - Gr. 2 REHEARSAL FIRST EUCHARIST 5:30 PM IN CHURCH Please remember to bring your Banner!
April 30 (Sat.) - 10:00 CELEBRATION OF THE SACRAMENT OF FIRST EUCHARIST in OLV Church. Be to the Church by 9:45 am the latest!
Also: There are no limits on the number of people you can invite!
Also- Just a friendly reminder of Holy Week Opportunities:
- Wednesday, April 13 - Communal Reconciliation Service at OLV 7:00 PM
- Holy Thursday, April 14 - Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper at OLV 7:00 PM
- Good Friday of the Lord’s Passion - April 15 at OLV 3:00 PM/ Stations of the Cross 7:00 PM
- Holy Saturday Easter Vigil Mass - April 16 at OLV 8:00 PM
- Easter Sunday Mass - April 17 8:15 AM & 11:15 AM OLV | 9:45 AM OLS
Please contact me if you have questions.
Wishing all the Families a very Blessed and Happy Easter!!
Thank you,
Mary Eaton
Director of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry
Our Lady of Victory
Mission Our Lady of the Snow
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