Happy Sunday OLV/OLS Families,
I hope you are having had a restful weekend! I wanted to remind you all that we will be kicking off our Faith Formation Year a week from today! Thank you for being so adaptive with all the changes this year has already presented. The attached calendar reflects the session and meeting dates for this year and the FF Updates Flyer gives you a quick reference for important updates. Please note the important events coming up:
- Catechetical Sunday Blessing and Commissioning – Sunday, September 24th at 9am We will kick off our year by worshipping together at OLV 9am Family Mass. Our catechists will receive a blessing and be commissioned for our Faith Formation Year. Parents, remember, you are the first catechist of your child(ren) and there is no better way to help create a strong foundation of faith than participating in the greatest form of prayer. We are excited for you all to join!
- Children’s Liturgy of the Word (CLOW) Resumes – Sunday, September 24th at 9am Mass Children ages 3 to 7 are welcome to participate in CLOW held most weekends at the 9am Family Mass. CLOW offers an age-appropriate learning experience of the weekly Gospel.
- Grades 1-9 FF Sessions Begin! – Sunday, September 24th from 10:15am-11:15am Grades 1-8 will meet in the OLV Education Center Classrooms and Grade 9 will meet in the Parish Office Building. Later this week I will send more notes on how drop off and pick up will look during our year.
- Grades 9-12 are invited to a Youth Ministry Kick Off with our Assistant Coordinator of Youth Ministry, Peter Ogno happening during our session time on Sunday in the Parish Office Building. This will serve as the first session for our 9th Come brainstorm, over light refreshments, what the youth ministry year will look like. Hope you can join!
- Grades 1, 3-9 Parent Meeting – Sunday, September 24th from 10:15am-11:15am One parent/guardian from every family must be in attendance for this meeting. I am looking forward to meeting you all! I will provide an overview for our program curriculum and events, expectations, and important dates. If you are unable to make this meeting, please let me know ASAP.
- Grade 10/Confirmation Sessions Begin – Wednesday, October 4th from 6:30pm-7:30 Sessions will be held in the OLV Parish Office Building. Please be sure to have your teen bring their blue Chosen book from last year!!!
Parents/Guardians of children in Grade 2/First Reconciliation Class – Don’t forget the Parent Meeting this Wednesday, September 20th from 6:30-7:30pm in the OLV Education Center!
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out. I am looking forward to the start of our year and getting to grow in faith with you all. Go out and spread Christ’s kindness and mercy, like we heard in today’s readings!
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