...A community of joyful disciples knowing, loving, and serving God and each other.

Browsing Parent Updates FF/YM

Confirmation: Sacrament of Reconciliation

Hello Confirmation Families!

Candidates: Before making the Sacrament of Confirmation on May 22, it would be great if you could go to Confession. As you empty yourselves of your sins, you will be more ready to fully receive all the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit bestowed on you at Confirmation! Father Morrette, Father Nathaniel, myself and all of our OLV Parish are praying for you!


Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession): Saturdays from 3:00pm-4:00PM at OLV and Wednesdays after the 12:15PM Mass. You can also call the Parish office at 273-7602 to make an appointment with Fr. Morrette or Father Nathaniel.


Also: May Crowning at OLV is Sunday May 15 at 11:15 Mass. As in the past, we celebrate the month of our Blessed Mother Mary with a May Crowning. Please join us as we crown our Blessed Mother Mary with a wreath of flowers and honor her as the Queen of Heaven and the Mother of God.


Please contact me if you have any questions. Have a good week and enjoy the beautiful weather!


Thank you,



Mary Eaton

Director of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry

Our Lady of Victory

Mission Our Lady of the Snow




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