Hello Confirmation Parents!
Please share this email with your child as a follow Up to last evening’s Confirmation Prep Session:
From Mr. Fanning:
“It was great to be with you on 2/15 and I look forward to our upcoming discussion about your questions for (& about) God. A reminder of your commitment... your CHOICE to listen to God's VOICE: 10 minutes every day throughout all of Lent. What to do in that time? Talk WITH God. I like to think of 3 A's:
- Appreciate: thank God for some of the blessings in your life. (It may help to think of 1 person or experience at a time. For example, thank God for a parent / family member / friend - perhaps get specific. I'm thankful to have a little brother who tells his little 2 year old that he can come visit and drive ATVs w/ his uncle. I'm thankful that a good friend hosts a Super bowl party and has lots of ribs, wings, ridiculously delicious)
- Assess: talk w/ God about your good (and not so good) thoughts and choices. Apologize for the things that you (and He) know you need to work on.
- Ask: ask God for help, ask for God to help people in your life, bring your questions to God. This might be where you read something from the Bible and talk w/ God about it. Ask God what He wants you to notice in this week's Gospel. For 2/19, I notice: "Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you." I could talk w/ God for a while about people who He might want me loving and praying for here!
Jesus never bored anyone.
Your 10 minutes should not be boring!
Maybe bring this short 94 second video clip to your 10 minutes: https://www.jonathanfanning.com/no-hands
Maybe bring a journal to your 10 minutes or some way to jot down things you noticed or God nudged you to think about during that precious time.
As St. Catherine of Siena said, "Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire!"
- Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, February 22. Ashes will be distributed at 12:15 PM and 7:00 PM in the OLV Church.
- Wednesday, March 1 Confirmation Prep Session@ 6:00 – 7:30 pm in the Parish Office Building.
Green Retreat Permission Form- Due March 1
- Saturday, Mar. 4 Confirmation Retreat ,10 am -4 pm (Candidates Only) Holy Trinity Parish Center with Closing Mass at Holy Trinity Church 4 pm for Candidates & Families
- Wednesday, March 15 Confirmation Prep Session@ 6:00 – 7:30 pm in the Parish Office Building.
Saints Project: Due March 15
- Thursday, March 30 Chrism Mass @ 7:00 pm at Church of Immaculate Conception
- Wednesday, April 19 Confirmation Prep Session@ 6:00 – 7:30 pm in the Parish Office Building.
(Yellow) Sacrament Info Form &(White) Sponsor Eligibility Certificate Form due on or before by Wed. April 19
If you have any questions, please contact me.
Enjoy the Winter Break!
Thank you,
Mary Eaton
Interim Coordinator of Faith Formation and Youth Ministry
Our Lady of Victory
Mission Our Lady of the Snow
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